The Children’s Brain Tumor Project

The Children’s Brain Tumor Project is a research effort at the Weill Cornell Pediatric Brain and Spine Center, co-directed by Dr. Mark Souweidane and Dr. Jeffrey Greenfield.
The Children’s Brain Tumor Project has a single goal: to bring hope to the hundreds of patients and families each year who confront the heartbreaking diagnoses of rare and inoperable pediatric brain tumors. Gliomatosis Cerebri is just one example of the devastating brain tumors that typically strike children, adolescents, and young adults.
Because they are so rare, these inoperable tumors simply do not get the funding or attention that research scientists need to find a cure.
The project is “powered by families” — donations come from GC Global families, friends, and supporters of the children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with these tumors.
For the year ending 2019, The Children Brain Tumor Project come up with a year in review although their fiscal year at Weill Cornell Medicine closes in June, at which time they promise to provide an updated annual report. For the time being here are highlights of their 2019 accomplishments. 2019-cbtp-dec-FINAL
To read more about the events of The Children Brain Tumor Project, please click below.
The GC Registry aggregates data and tissue samples from patients around the world. Intensive study of these samples and data will help unlock the mysteries of this terrible tumor.
Join the advocacy and become part of the community that was established to support groundbreaking research in finding a cure for Gliomatosis Cerebri. Partners are either family touched by Gliomatosis Cerebri or foundations supporting the same cause. Click below to learn how to join the community.