Welcome to the GC Website Resource Page. We have curated listings and communities we are sure can help you with your concerns about Gliomatosis Cerebri.
We are enthusiastic about creating this site as a platform for families and GC-related institutions to interact and share information. If you are fighting GC, we don’t want you to be alone. Connect with us!
To help you better understand Gliomatosis Cerebri, we provide some background information as well as a list of institutions and hospitals actively working with Gliomatosis Cerebri.
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Gliomatosis Cerebri Facts

Referenced Hospitals|Physicians

Don’t fight your battles alone. Join our families and get support on your journey to battling Gliomatosis Cerebri.
Join our Facebook Community -The GC Connection.
This is a network of people who have been touched by GliomatosisCerebri. It is a closed Facebook Group where we come together to share information on ourselves and our family members, including updates, struggles, treatment options, research and fundraising initiatives.
Checkout our Facebook Page – @GC Global -Gliomatosis Cerebri
For instant update for events and GC news and researches. We also share the different families fundraising activities on this page.
Get to know first-hand experiences from families who are battling the same battle with you and know basic but helpful information about the disease.
Gliomatosis Cerebri is a rare brain cancer that is highly aggressive and very resistant to treatment. These malignancies are not lumps like other tumors, but cancerous threads that spread very quickly and infiltrate deep into the surrounding brain tissue, or into multiple parts of the brain simultaneously, making them very difficult to remove with surgery or treat with radiation. Gliomatosis Cerebri is extremely rare, with fewer than 100 cases diagnosed in the United States each year. It affects males and females equally. Read More
One of the pains of families who were touched by Gliomatosis Cerebri is not knowing the right people to contact for consultations. Check our list of hospitals, research centers and even physicians from USA, Europe and the UK.