GC Letter from the Lab

Gliomatosis Cerebri (GC) “Letter from the Lab.” is a series of regular lab communications specific to progress being made in studying gliomatosis cerebri at the Children’s Brain Tumor Project, Weill Cornell Medicine. The first of its series started in July 2018. They planned to continue to release a series of updates per quarter. The GC research at Weil Cornell is currently being conducted by Jeffrey P. Greenfield, MD, Ph, and his team. Dr. Greenfield is also a co-chairman of the GC-Conference. 

Letter from the Lab Series #2 December 2018

Volume 2 – December 2018: This is the second “Letter from the Lab,” a series of regular lab communications specific to progress being made in studying gliomatosis cerebri (GC)* at the Children’s Brain Tumor Project (CBTP), Weill Cornell Medicine. Letter from the Lab Series #2 December 2018

Letter from the Lab Series #1 July 2018

Welcome to the gliomatosis cerebri (gc) “Letter from the Lab.” This is the first in a series of regular lab communications specific to progress being made in studying gliomatosis cerebri* at the Children’s Brain Tumor Project, Weill Cornell Medicine. At the Children’s Brain Tumor Project, we have a dedicated lab team that has been working with various tissue samples from GC patients that were donated over the past seven years with the goal of identifying mutations that can be better targeted with customized treatment. REAM MORE: Letter from the Lab Series #1 July 2018



The GC Registry aggregates data and tissue samples from patients around the world. Intensive study of these samples and data will help unlock the mysteries of this terrible tumor.


Join the advocacy and become part of the community that was established to support groundbreaking research in finding a cure for Gliomatosis Cerebri. Partners are either family touched by Gliomatosis Cerebri or foundations supporting the same cause. Click below to learn how to join the community.


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